For more information please contact
Mary Bentz
Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance
Office of the President
Notice of Nondiscrimination
迪士尼彩乐园帕克斯堡分校是一所机会均等/平权行动机构,不存在种族歧视, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, religion, color, ancestry, or national origin in admission, employment, educational programs or activities; nor does it discriminate on the basis of genetic information in employment or employee health benefits. Further, faculty, staff, students, 申请人在投诉或协助歧视调查时不会受到报复. 位于帕克斯堡的迪士尼彩乐园将采取措施,确保英语语言技能的缺乏不会成为入学和参与职业和技术教育项目的障碍. 应残疾人要求,还可提供辅助设备和服务.
Mary Bentz
Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance
Title IX, 504/ADA Coordinator
WVU Parkersburg
300 Campus Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26104
Aviso de no discriminación
位于帕克斯堡的西维吉尼亚大学(La university of West Virginia)是一所大学(Institución de igualdad de opportunities by acciones affirmative vas). No hay discriminación por raza, sexo, identidad de género, embarazo, discapacidad, estado de veterano, religión, color, descendencia.
不歧视任何雇员,不歧视任何工作人员,不歧视任何工作人员,不歧视任何工作人员. Además los profesores, los estudiantes, los solicitantes y personal de la Universidad están protegidos contra do tipo de represalias, 在调查歧视问题时,贫穷的妇女没有任何权利.
位于帕克斯堡的西维吉尼亚大学(La university of West Virginia, Parkersburg)为
Las dudas sobre Las políticas de discriminación pueden dirigirse:
Mary Bentz
Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance
Title IX, 504/ADA Coordinator
WVU Parkersburg
300 Campus Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26104
General Information and Policies
迪士尼彩乐园帕克斯堡分校的政策符合许多禁止骚扰的联邦和州法律, 基于学院的不歧视通知中列出的特征的歧视和报复. 迪士尼彩乐园帕克斯堡分校致力于确保大学社区的成员能够在一个安全和尊重的环境中工作和接受教育,不受任何形式的骚扰, discrimination or retaliation. 政策和合规执行主任以第九条协调员的身份服务, ADA & Section 504 Coordinator, 以及平权行动/平等就业机会主管, 并监督帕克斯堡迪士尼彩乐园遵守保护公民权利的州和联邦法律. 免受骚扰或歧视的保护是基于一个人在以下任何类别中的地位:
- Age: Discrimination that involves treating an applicant, student, or employee less favorably because of his or her age. 在雇佣方面,40岁以上的人受到保护.
- Ancestry: 血统歧视是指以民族为基础的歧视, country, tribe or other group from which a person descends, 以及任何可能伴随这类祖先的文化特征.
- Disability: 以残疾为基础的骚扰和歧视是分开处理的 HERE.
- Genetic Information: 在就业或雇员健康福利方面,禁止基于遗传信息的歧视.
- Race, Color, National Origin: 不论种族、肤色或国籍,所有人都必须得到平等对待.
- Religion基于宗教的歧视是指因一个人或一个群体的信仰或不信仰而对他们进行不同的评价或对待.
- Retaliation: 因某人投诉骚扰或歧视而对其采取的任何不利行动, supported a complainant alleging harassment or discrimination, 或参与调查骚扰或歧视索赔构成报复.
- 性(包括性骚扰、性别认同、怀孕和性取向): Harassment or discrimination on the basis of sex may, under some circumstances, be covered by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and, when pertaining to employment, may be covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 基于性别的性骚扰或歧视也可能包括性别认同, pregnancy, or sexual orientation. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (including sexual assault, stalking, 第九条下的家庭暴力和约会暴力是分开处理的 HERE.
Please refer to our harassment and discrimination policies for specific guidelines on these matters.
Report Harassment or Discrimination
想要了解更多关于解决骚扰的选择范围的员工, discrimination or retaliation, contact the Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance. 执行主任将尊重您所报告信息的隐私,并仅在必要时与“需要知道”的人员分享,以便协助评估, investigation, and/or resolution of the report.
Mary Bentz, Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104
304-424-8212 | Email:
For students experiencing these issues, 请与学生支援服务执行主任联络.
Kurt Klettner, Executive Director of Student Support Services
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104
304-424-8388 | Email:
External Reporting Options:
Office of Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Telephone: 215-656-8541
FAX: 215-656-8605; TDD: 877-521-2172
Website: U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
The West Virginia Human Rights Commission
1321 Plaza East – Room 108A
Charleston, WV 25301
Telephone: 304-558-2616
Toll Free: 888-676-5546
Facsimile: 304-558-0085
Website: West Virginia Human Rights Commission
For complaints involving employees:
United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
801 Market Street, Suite 1300
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3127
Telephone: 866-408-8075
Fax: 215-440-2606
TTY: 800-669-6820
Website: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission